Lullaby Jumpstart

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Folgers in My Cup

I actually managed to have an almost fight at work today about making coffee. Some people would refer to it as an incident. Which resulted in a meeting with a manager, an executive assistant and a CFO discussing refreshment protocol.
Some divine snippets to be overheard:
"Well if we're going to pour their coffee for them then why aren't we adding in the sugar for them to?"
"It's not like I have ESP. I'm not the Juan Valdez of psychics."
A- "It wasn't originally in my job description."
B-"You have a job description?"
"You are not a babysitter. And is coffee being used as a metaphor for something else here?"
"You know, I don't care what we decide because I never drink coffee. I hate it."
And finally, this one sums it politics and a way of life.
A- "Look some people, especially in the morning, want coffee. Others do not. We need to be accomodating to both types of people. That's why we have tea."
B-"So am I going to have to make their tea for them too?"
A-"Don't be silly. The majority of us are coffee drinkers. The tea drinkers can fend for themselves."


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