Lullaby Jumpstart

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Texters Anonymous

"What are you doing?"
"I'm texting a friend."
"Why don't you just call her?"
"Because then I would have to talk to her."
I'd like to think it's a way of becoming more romantic. Maybe even, dare I say, a bit more primitive through technology. I want to convince myself that texting (which is now a verb) is akin to keeping up correspondence. You have to spell and write actual words (or annoying abbrev. of pop wrdz 2 comm. qwiker). Regardless, it isn't an art form. Yet, I am addicted. You send off that message and wait for your phone to vibrate (or in my case play the theme song from "transformers") and see what new surprises are waiting for you.
Although I am ashamed to admit it, I have had entire conversations through texting, that had I just called the person would have lasted only five minutes, that went on for hours. And why?
I'd like to say it's because I think I can multi-task. I tell myself, I can totally carry on this conversation with my roommate while texting my brother. Which all it amounts to is me repeating the last thing my roommate said while figuring out how to get my phone to spell marijuana.
"Then you went to Borders?"
m-a-r-y.....mar i juno...marij...mayonaise?
"There were books in Borders?"
marijuat...marijoo...mari j u a n a
"These books had pages?"
"Ben, are you listening to me?"
So then I turn my attention to my roommate and begin texting whatever it is my brother sent me but in the form of a question.
"So is his new book out?"
you were high?
"I thought the last book ended too needed more development."
you ate a whole tub of mayona...mayon..mayer...marijuana?
"And I didn't by the romantic subplot either."
i meant mayonaise?
and so on and so forth...
walking and texting...
eating and texting...
texting and texting...
it has to end.
I think I need help.
til that day...
i luv u & hope 2 c u 2nite, l8er!


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