Lullaby Jumpstart

Friday, February 03, 2006


And if its not work its not worth it,
Shock therapy for my alarm clock,
cant even interest you in over-time
or coming in early, but Im not sleeping

not that Im a litmus
I lost the bar three drinks back
But rest assured when I manage
To open my lids
And face my faucet
Then Im in it til the season finale

And you say you see, but nothing is catching
Im not watching late at night
Because I enjoy the commentary
Might be and maybe
The movie will make me sleep.
Or Ill find the deleted scene where I
Am dreaming.

When the sure-fire is you.
And you.
Just you.
And a pillow.

Someone, me included,
Fucking call and enter the honesty brigade,

Im tired of nodding off at computer screens
And Im tired of napping on trains
And Im tired

Im tired


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